
Dear Nurb users,

Thank you for your interest and support in the Nurb project. Before using the Nurb platform, we kindly ask you to carefully read and understand the following disclaimer:

Information Sources: The information provided on the Nurb platform may come from various sources, including but not limited to third-party data providers, blockchain technology, and smart contracts. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and reliability of all the information provided.

Investment Risk: Before engaging in any transactions or investments on the Nurb platform, please evaluate and assume the associated risks. Although we make efforts to screen and verify information, we cannot guarantee that the provided information will have a positive impact on your investment decisions or trading outcomes.

Security Risk: Despite implementing security measures to protect the Nurb platform, there are inherent security risks due to the nature of blockchain technology. We shall not be held responsible for any security issues or data breaches that may occur while using the Nurb platform.

Third-Party Links: The Nurb platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources for your convenience. We have no control over the content or accuracy of these third-party websites and shall not be liable for any risks associated with accessing these links. You visit these links at your own risk.

Legal Compliance: The Nurb project is committed to complying with applicable laws and regulations. However, due to the changing nature of laws and variations across jurisdictions, we cannot guarantee that the Nurb platform is compliant in all jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to assess and comply with the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction when using the Nurb platform.

Please carefully read and understand this disclaimer before using the Nurb platform. By using the Nurb platform, you acknowledge and accept the associated risks and responsibilities. If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please feel free to contact our customer support team.

Last updated