
Ultra is the powerhouse of intelligence within the Nurb platform, playing a crucial role in providing comprehensive insights into the crypto ecosystem. It is a proprietary AI system developed by Nurb, to synthesize blockchain data from various sources.

The primary function of Ultra is to collect, process, and aggregate both on-chain and off-chain data. It searches for relevant data sources and gathers information reliably and continuously. By combining this data into a single source of truth, Ultra creates a unified and scalable repository that can be queried to produce any desired information.

One of the key contributions of Ultra is its ability to assign real-world identities to blockchain addresses, a process known as attribution. This allows Nurb to provide entity-based intelligence, giving users a clear view of the entities using cryptocurrencies and their activities. Users can gain insights into exchanges, trading firms, and individuals within the crypto ecosystem. With over 350 million labels and 200,000 entity pages already available on the Nurb platform, Ultra ensures a comprehensive coverage of the crypto landscape.

By leveraging Ultra's capabilities, Nurb is able to convert raw blockchain transaction information into meaningful and actionable insights. The Profiler, which is the core function of theNurb platform, utilizes Ultra to provide a holistic view of an entity or address's activity. It displays transaction history, portfolio holdings, balance history, profit and loss, exchange usage, and top counterparties. Users can filter and sort transaction history based on various criteria such as USD value, token, counterparty, and time.

Ultra's role extends beyond data synthesis and attribution. It also enables Nurb to reconcile cross-chain data, distinguishing and analyzing data from specific chains or subsets of chains as required. This multi-chain integration capability allows Nurb to provide a complete intelligence picture, covering various blockchain networks.

Ultra is a powerful AI system that underpins the Nurb platform's ability to provide comprehensive insights into the crypto ecosystem. It collects and synthesizes blockchain data, assigns real-world identities to addresses, and enables the Profiler to display a holistic view of entity activities. With its multi-chain integration capability, Ultra ensures that Nurb's intelligence covers a wide range of blockchain networks.

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