
Nurb offers customizable dashboards that empower users to create personalized pages for different groups of entities. These dashboards serve as a centralized hub for monitoring and analyzing multiple entities simultaneously, providing users with a comprehensive overview of key information.

With Nurb's customizable dashboards, users can curate specific groups of entities based on their preferences and interests. For example, users can create dashboards focused on "market makers," "ETH whales," or "OTC desks". By grouping entities together on a dashboard, users can efficiently monitor and analyze the activities of these entities in one place.

The dashboards in Nurb are designed to display essential information related to the tracked entities. Users can easily view recent transactions and track the holdings, balance history, and other relevant data for each entity on the dashboard's home page. This enables users to stay updated on the latest activities and performance of the entities they are monitoring.

Nurb's dashboards support various types of custom units, allowing users to incorporate different data components for a holistic view of the entities. These units can include holdings, balance history, and transaction information, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of each entity's behavior.

One of the key advantages of Nurb's dashboards is the ability to share them with others via URL. This feature facilitates collaboration and enables users to easily share their customized dashboards with colleagues or stakeholders, fostering a more efficient and collaborative monitoring and analysis process.

Nurb's customizable dashboards enable users to create personalized pages for different groups of entities, providing a quick overview of key information and enabling users to monitor and analyze multiple entities simultaneously. These dashboards offer a centralized platform for tracking entity activities and facilitate collaboration through easy sharing.

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