Token Holders’ Rights

Token holders play a crucial role in shaping the future of Nurb. They have the right to vote on various proposals, protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, and other important decisions that impact the ecosystem. Each NB token held by an individual entitles them to one vote, promoting a fair and democratic governance structure.

Any member of the Nurb community can submit a proposal for consideration by the DAO. Proposals should be well-documented and clearly outline the intended changes, benefits, and potential risks. A designated platform or forum will facilitate open discussions and debates around proposals, encouraging community engagement and ensuring that decisions are made collectively.

To facilitate secure and transparent voting, Nurb will implement a decentralized voting mechanism leveraging blockchain technology. Smart contracts will be used to ensure the integrity and immutability of the voting process. Token holders will be able to cast their votes directly through their wallets, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Last updated